
Look Towards A New Future

Feb 13, 2012

Car Traction Batteries - The New Gold Rush 2012-2022

This report is intended for industrialists, investors, market researchers, legislators and others interested in the large new market now being created for batteries that propel hybrid and pure electric cars along the road. It will also inform those studying associated technology and industrial and government initiatives and legislation. The report is suitable for the non technical reader, with introductory appendices and glossary for those new to the subject. However, there are many comparison graphs, tables and sections concerning technical aspects, so those with appropriate technical training will find much to interest them as well.

Few markets have ignored the global financial meltdown and continued to grow extremely rapidly. Car traction batteries are one of these, so it is not surprising that they are referred to as the new gold rush. It is now powered by huge government and corporate investment and a flood of exciting new models of electric car.

Car Traction Batteries Market

Published: February 2012
No. of Pages: 239
Price : Single User License - US$3995

One way of prospering in a gold rush is to "get there first and sell shovels" and, in this report, we do cover the supply of key materials, such as lithium and lanthanum, for the new types of battery that are rapidly being adopted. We also compare the different options of chemistry and construction and the nanotechnology and other materials skills being brought to bear.

Geographical distribution of traction battery and technology suppliersThis report leads you to commercial success. It is the only up to date, comprehensive reference book on car traction batteries worldwide. Researched by a team that has been studying the market for ten years, the report is frequently updated because the subject is moving so fast. You will therefore get the very latest version when you place your order. Indeed, in addition, we provide one hour of free consultancy by phone or email to answer any further questions after you have read the report. It is a sister publication to the popular IDTechEx report Hybrid and Pure Electric Cars 2012-2022 and other reports on batteries for portable devices, thin film batteries and so on.

The market for car traction batteries will be over $54 billion in 2022. How do we get there? Who will be the leading supplier? Who has the best chemistry and the largest financial commitment? Who has the largest amount of appropriate experience and who has their batteries designed into what new cars? What small companies would be interesting acquisitions and what are the objectives of the giant corporations entering part of this value chain for the first time? It is all here, pulled together with summary tables, graphs and illustrations and no equations. This is a high stakes game that will be key to saving the planet and the car industry and those hit by dependence on declining oil reserves. Appropriately, it has been said that, "In future, the battery is the car". The winning supplier will create a new, highly profitable ten billion dollar activity and there will be many prospering niche players and materials and technology suppliers.